All Time Favorite Poem On Mother In Hindi And English/ Maa Par Kavita Video Download Free


We here introduce you to the poem on mother in Hindi.

Mother is always everything to her child; First teacher, God, friend and world's most special person.

It is said that God cannot come everywhere, so He created mother.

Information of My Small Poem On Mother In Hindi

Hello, I am your host and friend Anirudh Singh Rajpurohit;

I wrote this poem in July 2018, when I was coming to Jaipur for further studies.

In this poem, I have expressed the emotion, not the words.

This is a sad poem on maa in Hindi, So let's start poem on mother in Hindi. For education, Rakesh Yadav Math Pdf In Hindi also is the best book.

Maa Poem In Hindi Lyrics

                                                                             - Anirudh Singh Rajpurohit

 ब-जब, तंग आता हूँ जिंदगी की राहों से ।
(Whenever I get fed up with the road of life)

तब- तब, सुकून पाता हूँ माँ बस तेरी ही तो बाहों में ।।
(Then - then, I am relieved mother is only in your arms)

हर बार, जब मेरा मन करता है घर लौट जाऊं मैं ।
(Every time, when I feel like I should return home)

पर फिर याद आता है, तेरी खुशी इसी में है की जिंदगी में कुछ मुकाम पाऊं मैं ।।
(But I remember again, your happiness is that I can get some milestone in life)

मुझे खुशी मिले, इसलिए तूने सारे दर्द स्वीकार किये ।
(felt happy, so you accepted all the pain)

वादा हे तुमसे, की कुछ पाऊंगा ऐसा की सारी दुनिया तेरा ही जय-जयकार करें ।
(felt happy, so you accepted all the pain)

हाँ,याद है मुझे वो लम्हे जब सारी दुनिया मेरे खिलाफ थी ।

(Yes, I remember those moments when the whole world was against me)

एक तू ही तो थी माँ, जो हमेशा मेरे साथ थी ।

(You were the only one who was always with me)

तेरी हर ख्वाहिश मेरी ख्वाहिशों के साथ थी । 

(Your every wish was with my dreams)

तेरी हर खुशी मेरी खुशी के बाद थी । 

(Your every happiness was after my joy)

मन कर रहा है एक बार तुझसे, लिपट के रो लूँ मैं । 

(I feel that once you hug and cry)

मन कर रहा हे एक बार फिर तेरी गोदी में, बच्चा बन के सो लूँ  मैं ।  

(Feel like once again in your dock, become a child and sleep)

पता है मुझे, तूने गुस्से में कुछ कहा होगा। 

(I know you must have said something in anger)

यह भी पता हे की तूने मेरे लिए कितना सहां होगा । 
(Also know how much you must have endured for me)

जब मैं छोटा बच्चा था छोटी बात पर रोता था । 
 (When I was a little kid I used to cry over small things)

बस तेरा चेहरा देख कर ही पल भर के लिए खिलखिलाता था ।।  
         (Just watching your face, used to blossom for a moment)  

तेरे साथ मेरा बरसों का हिसाब हे माँ । 
            (My years account with you, mother)  

तू मेरे जीवन का कोरा कागज नहीं, पूरी किताब है माँ ।   
(You are  not a blank paper of my life, You are complete book, mother)  

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Maa par Kavita video

From Here You Can Easily Listen to Poem on Mother In Hindi.

Anirudh Singh Rajpurohit
Anirudh Singh Rajpurohit

My name is AnirudhSingh Rajpurohit,I am a blogger who presents idea in the way of poetry, wants to know more about the world, so I like to travel solo and I believe that education is the person Manufactures. I inspire you to live as a universe in a small hut.

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